“For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosever believed in Him shall have everlasting life.” John 3:16
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Please join in our efforts to help those in need in our community. Your support and that of others are critical to the success of this mission. If you would like to become a donor, please call 469-900-9619. You may give in the following way:
To donate directly, click here.
You may mail checks to PO Box 110702 Carrollton, TX 75056. All checks must be made payable to Housing Help by John 3:16, as Chase Bank has recently changed its policy and now require the precise name of the organization.
Donations of office supplies such as 8.5 x 11 printer paper, letter-sized file folders, pens, paper clips, or any office supplies would be appreciated
Amazon customers may sign up for the AmazonSmile funds, at no cost to you. You are asked to select a charity to support. Our unique charity link is https://smile.amazon.com/ch/81-4464905.
Please support us with your prayers
December Receipts from Donors:
We are so grateful for all the donations that Housing Help by John 3:16 received from you in December! The donations for December totaled $13,515.00. The 2022 total donations were approximately $76,750.85. Thank you, donors, for your generosity to those in need in our community. God has truly been good!
2022 End of-year statements will be issued shortly
DONORS: Watch for more details on a special event being planned to honor you – our partners in Christ!
Assistance is provided based solely on the availability of funds, coupled with the needs or circumstances of the client. When all available funds are depleted, clients are turned away and referred to other agencies, if they are able to help.
“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.” Hebrews 13:16
Update on those Receiving Aid:
Assistance was provided to 32 families or individuals in need in the month of December. December is always a tough month for those on the verge of homelessness. A sampling of those needs:
Case 1) On December 1, $350 was paid to Timberglen Apartments to help Jalissa (39) and her two children (Ages 10 and 2). She is not married and was laid off Nov 3 from Impact Floors. But she is starting a new job at Superior Medical as a Service Coordinator at $21.35/hour. Jalissa was educated at Kaplan College in Arlington, TX as a Medical Assistant.
Case 2) On December 14, $350 was paid to Veridian Place to help Vicki (52). This was the second time we have helped Vicki. The first was just a few days ago and she understands that the John 3:16 policy is three occurrences within a year. We are happy to hear that she now has a job and is on her way to a secure future. She attributes this success to the prayer we offered on her behalf when she visited us the first time.
Case 3) On December 28, our last client for the month was Candace. $350 was paid to Veridian Place to help Candace (43) and her young daughter (11). Candace works two jobs, one at Plano ISD and the other styling hair at a salon. She earns $1500/month at PISD and $600 at the hair salon. Her rent was unexpectedly increased, making it hard for her to meet expenses. She is budgeting carefully and expects to be able to meet her financial obligations next month.
Today’s Homelessness in America (New York Times)
"America’s homeless problem has the makings of an acute crisis. Shelters across the U.S. are reporting a surge in people looking for help, with wait lists doubling or tripling in recent months. Experts say that the number of homeless people outside shelters is also probably rising. Some live in encampments, which have popped up in parks and other public places."
The goal of Housing Help by John 3:16 is to keep homelessness from happening to these families.
Your friends in Christ:
Gary Vaughan, Co-Founder, Chairman, and CFO
Judy Vaughan, Co-Founder, and CEO (Administrator)
Debbie Hilyer, Administrative Associate
Linda Racy, Corporate Secretary
Ify Ikekua, Spokesperson and Workshop Coordinator
Ann Millaway, Director, Donor Relations
Deborah Rowan, Director, Social Media
Ellen Thurman, Director Community Services
Donations to John 3:16 that arrive by check or via the John 3:16 website are immediately used to help people in need. As many know, our clients are given a Resource List at the time of their appointment. When there are few or no funds available, there are dozens of callers who are emailed a Resource List showing names and telephone numbers of other charities who may or may not have funds available. We pray that, whether or not we can help these callers, someone somewhere can.
To give by check, make payable to John 3:16 and send it to John 3:16, P.O. Box 110702, Carrollton, TX 75011. Or, pay electronically on our website at www.housingbyjohn316.org.To all Facebook users, the link to our Facebook page is: https://www.facebook.com/housinghelpbyJohn316/ Please share with your contacts and friends!
John 3:16 is a 501(c)3 nonprofit charity.
PO Box 110702, Carrollton, Texas 75011