God so loved the world that he gave His only Son, so that whosoever believes in Him will have everlasting life: John 3:16
An Open House has been set!
Place: 1925 East Beltline Road, Suite 484, Carrollton, TX 75006
Date: May 26, 2023
Time: Noon to 4:00 P.M.
RSVP: 469-900-9619
We hope everyone will come, visit us, see where we work and ask whatever questions that may come up. We plan to serve refreshments, so please call us as soon as you can and let us know you are coming! Coffee Service will be provided by Cafe' Brazil and cookies from a bakery. Punch will also be available!
The Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy: “Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share.”
Assistance is provided based solely on the availability of funds, coupled with the needs or circumstances of the client. When all available funds are depleted, clients are turned away and referred to other agencies, if other agencies are able to help.
Visit our Website at www.housingbyjohn316.org
You may give in the following ways:
Checks may be mailed to P.O. Box 110702, Carrollton, TX,75011. (All checks must be payable to Housing Help by John 3:16.
As an alternative, a bank generated check can be arranged by simply contacting your bank.
Please support us with your prayers.
From your friends in Christ,
Gary, Judy, J.T., Debbie, Iff, Deborah, and Ellen
Debbie Hilyer, Board Member and Administrator
of Housing Help by John 3:16.
Debbie has served on the Board since
December 6, 2016!
April 3: We paid Carrollton Park of North Dallas $350 to help Linda (37) with her rent. She had immigrated from The Ivory Coast with her 9-year old son. She was laid off from her job due to her inability to travel. She could not leave her special needs son in the care of others at that time. She has experience in inventory, clerical, retail and helpdesk. She is in school part time for training as an IT Technician and hopes to gain certification soon. She has been hired by Citi Group, but that job hasn’t started yet.
April 6: We paid Villas of Josey Ranch $350 to help Takeitha (48), with her rent. She has worked at Comstock Resources for 17 years in Accounts Payable and her job is secure. However, she drives a car that is over 15 years old and needed extensive repairs. Her rent money had to go to those repairs.
April 24: $350 was paid to help Crystal (62), referred to us by Covenant Church. She has had multiple spinal surgeries and was off work for 3 months. She works in the Payroll Department of Wellmed United Healthcare and is being helped also by St. Catherine of Sienna, Prince of Peace Lutheran, and the Friendship House. Our prayer for her is miraculous healing of her spine and relief of pain.
“Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give to others.
Donations to John 3:16 that arrive by check or via the John 3:16 website are immediately used to help people in need. As many know, our clients are given a Resource List at the time of their appointment. When there are few or no funds available, there are dozens of callers who are emailed a Resource List showing names and telephone numbers of other charities who may or may not have funds available. We pray that, whether or not we can help these callers, someone somewhere can.
To give by check, make payable to John 3:16 and send it to John 3:16, P.O. Box 110702, Carrollton, TX 75011. Or, pay electronically on our website at www.housingbyjohn316.org.To all Facebook users, the link to our Facebook page is: https://www.facebook.com/housinghelpbyJohn316/ Please share with your contacts and friends!
John 3:16 is a 501(c)3 nonprofit charity.
PO Box 110702, Carrollton, Texas 75011